Climate Conversations is our peer support group for the climate crisis. It isn’t easy coming to terms with the scale and urgency of the crisis we’re facing. It isn’t easy to figure out what we can do about it either. In our peer support group, we have somewhere to talk through these tricky questions and figure out our next steps. Even when we don’t come up with answers it helps to have somewhere to talk and think together with other people who are just as concerned and confused.
During our last meeting, the issue came up of our responsibility for the climate crisis through the choices and decisions we make in our everyday lives. For example, the impact of the things we buy and the decisions we make around how we eat, travel, or heat our homes. This is a big topic which raises some interesting questions about how much choice, power and freedom we have to make an impact on the climate crisis, and who we hold accountable for the mess we’re in. So we’re making it the subject of our next conversation. How much responsibility should we feel for the things that we do? Who should we blame for the impact of our lifestyles on the environment?