This page was created for the participants in one of our Climate Conversations. It records our thoughts and feelings on the topic that day. Responses are edited for clarity and anonymity. They aren’t fact-checked so there may be errors and inaccuracies. If you want to know more about the topic, you may find the conversation guide below helpful.
Conversation guide: Dissonance
We talked about:
- It is really hard living in a world that doesn’t make sense, where we’re asked to accept things we know are false all the time.
- The evidence is there and the science isn’t disputed, but we’re asked to believe or behave in a way that isn’t compatible with what everyone knows.
- Moral injury – the harm we experience from having to do things that go against our values and ethical beliefs.
- Doing what you think is right (when you can). It might be all you can do, and it does have an impact. It can rub off on other people.
Books we mentioned:
The Spirit Level by Richard G. Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
Hospicing Modernity by Vanessa Machado de Oliveira
Being Mortal by Atal Gawande